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List of students who are eligible to graduate - April 2024

10:44 | 27/03/2024 2392

List of students who are eligible to graduate: Click here to view


  1. Students check the list of students who are eligible to graduate.
  2. If students are on the above list but do not want to graduate, please send an email to the BBUS Program ([email protected]) by 16:00 01/04/2024 with the following information:

Canceling the graduation results – April 2024

  • Student ID:
  • Fullname:
  • Class - Cohort:
  • Content: Request for canceling the graduation results - April 2024

       3. Students must double-check the graduation results: student list, GPA, and rank of graduationIf students have any questions or concerns, please send an email to BBUS Program ([email protected]) by 16:00 01/04/2024 with the following information:

Questions about the graduation results – April 2024

  • Student ID:
  • Fullname:
  • Class - Cohort:
  • Content:

Any complaints after 16:00 on 01/04/2024 will not be considered.

     3. The official list of graduates will be announced in April 2024 on the website

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